The Students who satisfy the eligibility criteria can apply for registration. The registration form can be collected from the respective centre of MIEM.

The registration fee for students in India - Rs. 2500/-

Which should be submitted along with the registration form. Registration Fees for students staying abroad is US$ 200. The MIEM reserves the right to reject any Application which is not properly filled in, does not accompany the required fees, is not submitted within the stipulated time or for any other reason. The decision of the Secretary of the institution in this respect shall be binding upon the applicant.


After registration each member of the Institution Shall be provided with an Identity Card.

The Idetity Card must be kept in personal custody of the member to prevent its misuse and has to be produced to appear at an examination, Revised Identity Card shall be issued to a member to effect any correction/alternation on surrender of existing card.

In case of Loss of the Identity Card, the concerned member is required to inform Secretary and a DUPLICATE Idetity card will be issued to him on payment of Rs.100/-